DS Bratniak-Muszelka



In this dormitory mainly live students from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, but not only them. It is located in the oldest complex of student dormitories in Poland, at Plac Narutowicza( convenient access by tram to the campus of the University of Technology, the city center and the Rondo Daszyńskiego metro station). It is not the most partying dormitory of WUT, but it certainly cannot be said that nothing is happening here - our dorm is a good compromise between the desire to combine peace and quiet with a social lifestyle. In terms of the availability and quality of common rooms, it is one of the best PW dormitories. Dormitory Bratniak - Muszelka can accommodate up to 400 residents!


ul. Grójecka 39 02-031 Warszawa

Phone numbers:

tel: 22 822 06 96 

Lodge tel.: 22 234 41 00 

Storage - mgr Justyna Andrzejkiewicz, e-mail: justyna.andrzejkiewicz@pw.edu.pl; tel. 22 822 06 96 
Mr. Grzegorz - conservator

Building administrator:


e-mail: bratniak.muszelka.ds@pw.edu.pl

Marian Hrynkiewicz
tel. wew.: (22) 822 06 96

Administration’s office working hours:

Monday-Friday: 8am-4pm

Location of administration:

Enter the building from 39 Grojecka Street to the Bratniak - red plaque and wooden door, go straight to the wooden door to the so-called studnia (courtyard) passing the gatehouse in the Bratniak on the right and head through the inner parking lot to the building on the right (Muszelka) - the door in the middle of the building (not on the sides) opposite the sidewalk leading from the grill and from the gate, which is on the left. After entering the Muszelka go straight and there is the administration door.

Social Media:


Contact any member of the Residents' Council to be added to our group chat on messenger for residents

Dormitory Council of Residents:

Chairman- Albert Kłys


  • Albert Kłys, 
  • Łukasz Gierczak, 
  • Michał Suchocki, 
  • Artur Ciąpała, 
  • Mikołaj Maciejewski, 
  • Karol Dzieżyk, 
  • Aleksandra Shulakowska, 
  • Jakub Glinka, 
  • Krzysztof Frąc

How to contact Dormitory Council of Residents (RM)? 

Via Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ds.bm.pw but it does not guarantee a quick respond. It is best to contact the member of Dormitory Council directly via messenger or go to the room where the member lives.

How does the process of moving in and moving out looks like? 

Moving in: A day before moving in you have to send an email to justyna.andrzejkiewicz@pw.edu.pl. In the subject of the e-mail, please provide the planned date of your arrival and the number of the room assigned to you.

In administration, sign the confirmation of accommodation, equipment sheet and the room handover protocol, and when you do it, go to the reception desk to collect the key to your room. If you need to rent, for example, bed linen, go to the repository (the repository is open only during selected hours - check the opening hours before visiting).

If you have questions or need help, you can always contact a member of the Dormitory Council of Residents (RM) (e.g., Chairman of the Dormitory Council of Residents - Albert Kłys: +48 451 165 666).

Moving out: Before moving out, all borrowed items should be returned to the repository. If nothing was borrowed, write in the circular card: I declare that I did not borrow anything from the repository, date and signature. Clean the room thoroughly: wash the floor (also under the bed and desk), wipe the dust from the cabinets, wash the fridge and windows. Ask the cleaning ladies or the maintenance man (in exceptional cases, a member of the Dormitory Council of Residents) to check the room. In the case of technical condition of the room or the room being not clean enough, the inspecting person may refuse to sign the clearance slip. During the inspection, you should return the keys to the inspecting person. Take a photo of the circuit card, give it to the inspecting person, and send the photo of clearance slip to jaroslaw.sobol@pw.edu.pl.

Kitchens’ description 

There is one kitchen on each floor of the Bratniak and Muszelka. Each kitchen has two or three electric burners, an oven and a sink. In the kitchens of Muszelka there are also washing machines available for residents.

Bathrooms’ description

On each floor of Bratniak there is one co-educational bathroom with toilets and showers. In Muszelka, on the other hand, there is a shower in every segment or single room. There are shared toilets on each floor.

Common Rooms 

Common rooms are available to all of the dormitory residents. To use them, you need to contact the supervisor of the given room personally or on Facebook.

Room numbers of the supervisors and the Rules and Regulations of the common rooms are available on the Facebook groups.

Billiard Room: Piotr Niewielski B15, Artur Ciąpała B219; you can book it by contacting one of the room supervisors

TV Room: Alina Hryshko M206c, Artur Ciąpała B219, Paweł Zakrzewski B9; you can book it by contacting one of the room supervisors

Ping-pong Room: Alina Hryshko M206c, Konrad Branecki B15; you can book it by contacting the room supervisor

Banquet Room: Albert Kłys M313; you can book it by contacting the room supervisor: Remember! To book this room you need permission from the Building Administrator.

Gym: Piotr Niewielski B15, Paweł Zakrzewski B9

Bike room: Konrad Branecki B15

Laundry and drying room 

Washing machines and dryers are located in the kitchens of the Muszelka. Washers and dryers are charged at 5 zloty per wash (can be paid with coins or electronic payment).

Information on recycling, and taking out garbage 

Trash cans are located on the yard of Bratniak and Muszelka.

What is not worth taking, because it is provided by dormitory or Residents’ Council? 

Vacuum cleaners, bedding, dustbins, blankets, board games.

Types and description of rooms 

In Bratniak, there are most often double and triple rooms. The room includes desks with a lamp, beds, wardrobes, a sink with a mirror, refrigerators with a freezer.

Muszelka is mostly segmented + separate single rooms. The segments include double and single rooms. The segment includes a kitchenette with a sink, fridge and shower.

Infrastructure around the dormitory 

There are tram and bus stops near the dormitory, which allow you reach the Central Campus or the city center in 10-15 minutes. Near the dorm there are restaurants, kebabs, pizzerias, Biedronka, and parcel lockers.

How to report technical faults?

To report a technical fault, we go to the lodge, where we enter our problem in the appropriate notebook.

How to receive guests during the day and after 11 PM? 

The guests should be picked up and written in the appropriate notebook. After 11pm there is one guest per resident, provided that a valid accommodation permit is left at the reception desk by 11pm, which is issued by any member of the Resident Council.

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